Marketing Black History Month: Achieving Cultural Diversity and Public Relations Success Year-Round

Black History month is celebrated in America every February to spotlight the advancements, achievements and contributions of the Black community to American society, focusing on recognizing the central role of Black people in U.S. history. Black History month has evolved, as most things have, with the progression of social media to also include a space for Black-owned businesses to drive consumer engagement. With America’s ever occurring racial injustices being a top-of-line concern, brands are yearning to show solidarity with the Black community. However, this may lead to crowded timelines and runs the risk of corporations gaining sole profit from a cultural awareness month that should belong to the Black community. To combat these risks, brands should proceed with a level of caution and take the time to craft campaigns that truly honor Black people.  

Marketing Black History Month can be a challenge, but it's also a great opportunity to achieve cultural diversity and public relations success year-round. Taking the time to strategically craft campaigns is of the upmost importance for a brand to build a long-term trust, ensuring the mission for a more equitable society. A core PR principle is “act first, communicate second.” Applying this to cultural diversity, a brand needs to have their intention meet their impact. True allies build equality and diversity into all aspects, including policies, mission statements, partnerships and give-back programs. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 

The Audience is the Hero 

A group of people are shown. This relates to concepts discussed by a marketing firm in Kansas City, MO.

The audience is the hero of the show. Every night, they come in with enthusiasm and excitement, ready to experience the performance. They cheer when the actors take their bows, and laugh at the jokes. They are the lifeblood of the production, and without them, the show wouldn't be the same. They make the actors feel appreciated and loved, and they help to create a special atmosphere that can't be replicated. The audience is the hero of the show, and they deserve to be celebrated. 

In today's society, brands have a responsibility to assess their role in conversations and actions related to diversity. During Black History Month, brands have the opportunity to highlight the steps they have taken to support diversity, as well as build meaningful relationships with Black audiences. Through this, brands can demonstrate their commitment to promoting an inclusive and diverse environment, and show their support for the Black community. By engaging in these conversations, brands can create a positive impact and make a real difference in society. 

A Black History Month campaign should be focused on celebrating the history, culture and communities of Black individuals.

Making Black consumers the hero of the campaign is the first step to achieving this goal. The primary objective should be to celebrate Black history, rather than promoting the brand or product. If there is a way to incorporate the brand or product into the campaign, that is a great way to go. The best way to create a successful Black History Month campaign is to start with the audience and build the campaign around them. This will ensure that the campaign is meaningful and resonates with the intended audience. 

According to Nielsen, a global leader in audience measurement, “Through social media, Black consumers have brokered a seat at the table. There's a demand that brands and marketers speak to them in ways that resonate, culturally and experientially -- if these brands want their business." Nielsen's research clearly indicates that Black consumers have taken control of their own narrative and are demanding to be heard. Brands and marketers must be cognizant of this and tailor their campaigns to speak directly to this group in order to earn their business. This means creating campaigns that focus on Black consumers and diversity and that resonate with them culturally and experientially. By doing this, brands and marketers can ensure that their message is heard and that they are meeting the demands of this powerful consumer base. 

Diverse Team Members Shape Campaigns 

A painting of a woman is shown next to thought bubble. This is similar to topics covered by marketing firm in Kansas City, MO.

Having a diverse team when creating campaigns is essential for success. Different perspectives and ideas from a variety of people can bring a campaign to life in a way that a single point of view cannot. With a diverse team, you can ensure that all angles of the campaign are explored, and that the message is crafted to speak to a wide range of audiences. Moreover, having members from different backgrounds can help to create a more authentic and relatable message. A diverse team of members can help to make a campaign unique, memorable, and effective. 

Cultural intelligence and awareness should be at the forefront of any campaign created. It is essential to understand the nuances of different cultures in order to craft effective messaging that resonates with your target audience. Utilizing the diverse perspectives of your team members in the creation of campaigns is a great way to ensure that the messaging is both authentic and intelligent. If your company is lacking in diversity, it may be beneficial to hire a third-party consultant to assist in crafting campaigns that are culturally aware. This will help ensure that the messaging is not tone-deaf and will be successful. 

By taking the time to create a more diverse and inclusive team, marketers can more effectively create campaigns that are inclusive and speak to a wider range of people. This can help to create an even more powerful impact on how people think, see themselves, and view the world. Additionally, it can help to ensure that campaigns are both relatable and resonate with target audiences. According to Jamillah Bowman Williams, Associate Professor at Georgetown University Law Center, “once you have a more diverse and inclusive team, you can better tackle inclusivity in your marketing campaigns. Marketers are uniquely positioned to shape how people think, see themselves and view the world.” Jamillah Bowman Williams’ advice is invaluable for marketers who want to create campaigns that are truly inclusive. 

Pass the Mic 

A microphone is shown. This is similar to concepts of marketing discussed by a marketing agency in Kansas City, MO.

By using their platform to amplify and elevate Black stories, in their own words, an organization can make a powerful impact. This act of solidarity helps to give Black communities, creators, authors, activists and entrepreneurs a platform to share their stories with a wider audience. It allows them to be seen, heard and understood, and to have their unique perspectives and experiences recognized. By amplifying their stories, organizations can help to foster a more inclusive and equitable society. 

Platform takeovers are an effective strategy for amplifying Black voices and messages. This approach involves allowing a Black creator to take over your platform to spread their messages to the platform's followers. Truly this strategy is effective when applied to all marketing channels, including blog, website or email. This strategy has the potential to reach a wide audience and can be used to help make sure that Black voices are heard. Platform takeovers are an effective way to ensure that Black creators can reach their intended audience, and can be used to help amplify their messages. 

Diversity and Inclusion is a Lifestyle 

Diversity and inclusion is a lifestyle that should be embraced by everyone. We should all strive to create an environment that is respectful, open, and welcoming to all people regardless of their culture, race, gender, or sexual orientation. By doing this, we can create a positive and supportive atmosphere where everyone can feel safe and accepted. This lifestyle encourages us to learn and appreciate the differences in others, while also recognizing our own unique qualities. By understanding and embracing diversity and inclusion, we can create a more harmonious and equitable world. 

When authentically trying to reach communities of color, year-round representation is a must. Representation is key in order to build relationships with these communities and ensure long-term success. This is especially true in light of Adobe’s findings that 34% of consumers in the United States stopped their support of a brand due to lack of representation of their identity within the brand’s advertising. It is important to show that you care about who your customers are, not just sell them products. If a brand wants to be successful in engaging with communities of color, they must make sure to have year-round representation of these communities in their advertising. This way, customers can trust that their identity is respected and that the brand is for them. 

That’s why inclusive marketing is so important for businesses. It’s not just about featuring a diverse range of people in your campaigns, but it’s also about understanding the needs of all your customers and creating campaigns that speak to them in a meaningful way. Inclusive marketing requires an understanding that customers come from a variety of backgrounds, and that each person deserves respect and recognition. When you create campaigns that reflect the diversity of your customer base, you’ll be able to reach more people and create a more meaningful connection with them. 

Launch Your Campaign 

Launching a campaign can be an exciting and challenging experience. It requires careful planning and execution to ensure success. To begin, you need to identify your target audience and develop a message that resonates with them. Next, you need to decide on the best channels to reach your audience and create a strategy for engaging them. Finally, you need to track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed. With the right preparation and planning, you can launch a successful campaign that achieves your goals. 

Bringing diversity and inclusion to your business.

At Linger, we understand the importance of diversity and inclusion within today’s market. We recognize the value of celebrating unique perspectives and experiences, and that's why we are committed to providing our clients with custom marketing and public relations plans for all needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to investing in proprietary research to understand markets and delivering exceptional ROI for our clients. We are passionate about helping our clients reach their goals and objectives, and we are confident that our services will help them reach a wide and diverse audience. When you’re ready to incorporate inclusion and diversity into your marketing campaign, follow these steps:

1.     Schedule a consultation

2.     Get to know our family

3. Get started on your custom marketing and public relations plan for Black History Month 2024. 







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