Awareness. Healing. Integration.

Linger visited the Denver Psychedelic Convention during the last weekend of September to network and gain information on the current psychedelic news. However, we left with so much more.

Through many discussions with exhibitors and sitting in on keynote speakers, the consensus was that psychedelics are to be used as a guided tool, not a fix all-solution.

The first step to assist with any problem is awareness. The convention keynote speakers had a focus on assisting veterans with PTSD as well as others with varying mental illnesses.

According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “In 2020, approximately 5.2 million Veterans experienced a behavioral health condition. More telling are the numbers of Veterans who were not engaged in treatment; more than half of Veterans with a mental illness did not receive treatment within the past year.”

One of the keynote speakers attended was Alison Wilson, owner, and founder of the Hope Project. Allison’s story is like many military wives. While her husband was overseas as a Navy seal, she was at home raising their small children and simultaneously struggling with substance abuse and addiction. When her husband returned, their marriage faced even more challenges. Her husband took a trip to Mexico and had a sixteen-hour psychedelic journey to find the root cause of many of his internal struggles. However, their problems didn’t stop there. Through her husband’s healing, Allison grew more resentful. When their problems reached their climax, she asked her husband to take her wherever she needed to go to fix things. Two years after her husband’s trip to Mexico, she went to Costa Rica to start her own healing journey. Now, she is assisting other families facing the same problems that her family once did.

Psychedelics and mental health aside, awareness is a key factor in any brand. One recent example is Drew Barrymore versus the Hollywood strike. When the Drew Barrymore show decided to return to production, Barrymore was faced with personal backlash. Production was halted just two days after the initial decision and one day prior to when the show was supposed to run again. Barrymore released a statement on her social platforms advising that she had listened to everyone’s outcry and decided to respect the wishes of the majority.

Another recent example is the Maui relief fund versus Oprah and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. After what was the “deadliest wildfire in modern American history,” two of Hollywood’s stars chose to come together to form a relief fund, donating a whopping ten million dollars. The backlash came when Winfrey and Johnson then asked others to donate. Winfrey responded to the hate in a defensive manner, while Johnson made a video acknowledging that it was out of touch and tried to relate to the rest of the world by sharing his upbringing and the struggles his family faced.

If you or your company are out of touch, failure is an absolute guarantee.

Once we are aware of the problem, how do we heal after the chaos and the hurt?

Keynote speaker and CEO of Trident Approach, Diego Ugalde mentions it is about maneuvering the rat race. He describes the rat race as ego driven while making decisions through fear, control, expectation knowing, attachment and external fixes. Ugalde is a retired Navy seal who found healing and inspiration through psychedelics.

“The Trident Approach (TTA) is a team of former Navy SEALs and other Special Operations Veterans turned Executive Pathfinders and Psychedelic Integration Coaches. TTA's unique approach to pursuing "Consciousness in Leadership and Flow in Teams" is born from the best practices of working in elite teams combined with their deepest insights from psychedelic plant and mind medicines.”

Ugalde became aware of challenges faced in his personal life and then chose to find resources to assist in his healing so he can integrate it into other’s lives.

Healing a celebrity or brand’s reputation is often in the form of total silence and then an apology tour.

 We see it time and time again. A celebrity is involved in a controversy so the public responds with backlash. [Celebrity Name] then will take some time off their social media platforms and then will come back with a video in front of a clear background while they deliver a (hopefully) calculated apology written by their publicist. After the news settles from their apology, they will go on a press tour and deliver news of whatever new project they’re currently working on.

A perfect example would be Will Smith after the slap watched around the world. After the 2022 Oscars controversy, Smith stayed off social media before promptly returning with a video and written statement about the incident. At the end of last year, his latest film dropped titled, “Emancipation.” The film was rumored to be considered for Oscars, but alas it received no nominations.

Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith is set to release a tell-all exclusive with Hoda Friday, October 13, 2023 while promoting her new book titled, “Worthy.” In a preview, Jada reveals that she and Will had been separated since 2016, elaborating that she was as shocked as everyone else when the slap happened. Public opinion is already questioning whether this is another ploy for her to exploit and embarrass Smith or if this is the time, she will finally gain some accountability. Time will only tell.

Most would argue the most important step after healing is integration.

Denver Psychedelic Convention harped that to properly use psychedelics as a form of guided alternative medicine, integration is key. A healing retreat is not a psychedelic vacation; it will mean nothing if the revelations aren’t in the forefront. As mentioned above, psychedelics are not an end-all-be-all solution, rather a tool. Additionally, a key to integration is appreciation. Many cultures and communities have used alternative medicine for centuries. To travel to their native land and be emersed in their cultures, ceremonies and practices should be viewed as an honor rather than a given. Committee members are currently trying their best to make sure that training is put in place from ancestral leaders to healing centers to ensure proper practice.

For a brand or celebrity, integration should be viewed as an end of a negative cycle and beginning of a positive one. If a lesson is not learned or problem is not addressed, the brand or celebrity will continue to face backlash and remain in “cancel culture.”

Linger helps brands and personas by providing proper brand management that includes strategic campaigns and proper media training to ensure the public is heard by the brand/person and vice versa.

If you or your brand are facing controversy and backlash, schedule your consultation today to discuss with our experienced team.

Lastly, if you’re wanting to learn more about current psychedelic news, the next Psychedelic Convention will be next October in Denver. Tickets are available now.



Denver Psychedelic Convention Exhibitors. (2023, 10 13). Retrieved from PsyCon:

Jacobs, J. (2023, 09 17). In Reversal, Drew Barrymore Pauses Show’s Return Until End of Strike. Retrieved from NY Times:

Overhultz, L. (2022, 11 29). Will Smith and Johnny Depp lead celebrity comebacks after being canceled. Retrieved from Fox News:

Sheeler, J. (2023, 10 11). Jada Pinkett Smith Breaks Silence on Marriage, Oscar Slap and Her Path to 'Self-Acceptance' (Exclusive). Retrieved from People:

Stacey Owens, M. L.-C. (2022, 11 08). Supporting the Behavioral Health Needs of Our Nation’s Veterans. Retrieved from SAMHSA:,treatment%20within%20the%20past%20year.

The Hope Project. (2023, 10 13). Retrieved from The Hope Project:

The Trident Approach. (2023, 10 13). Retrieved from The Trident Approach:

Weisholtz, D. (2023, 08 31). Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson announce $10 million Maui relief fund. Retrieved from NBC News, Today:


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